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Twitch is Rolling Out Watch Parties Beta in the US, Other Countries to Follow

Now that the MCO has been officially extended for another 2 weeks until 28 April, it's high time we found more ways to socialise with friends and kill time while being stuck at home.

A while ago, Netflix re-launched their popular Netflix Party app which enabled users to watch movies simultaneously with friends. Now, Twitch seems to be following in their footsteps with Twitch Watch Parties.

Unlike the usual gaming or IRL streams that you'd associate with Twitch, this feature offers users the chance to watch Prime Video movies from Amazon Prime instead. You will need an Amazon Prime account to utilise this feature.

While the beta is only available to selected creators as of now, Twitch promises to make it available globally in the coming months.

We're unsure how this would hold up against Netflix Party, considering the ubiquity of Netflix subscriptions compared to Amazon Prime in Malaysia, but more competition is always beneficial to consumers, so we're excited to see how this unfolds.

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