If you haven't pre-ordered HUAWEI's latest flagship device, the HUAWEI P50 Pro, you can do so until tomorrow (21 January) only to enjoy freebies worth up to RM2,100. Dubbed as the Legend Reborn, the P50 Pro packs multiple photography features such as Dual-Matrix Camera, HUAWEI XD Optics, and XD Fusion Pro Image Engine. Available in Cocoa Gold and Golden Black, it retails for RM4,199.
The full list of freebies given when you pre-order the HUAWEI P50 Pro is as follows:
If you would like to get the new phone at a lower price, HUAWEI is also offering you an additional RM300 instant rebate if you trade in any functioning electronic device for the P50 Pro. So, what are you waiting for?