Most League players should be known about this penalty

Dodging happens quite often when players encounter unwanted factors (maps, teammates) while preparing for the next game. Queued for a long time just to get Fracture (I hate this map) or some random instalockers while the game has not even started is kinda pain. Therefore, dodging the game will save you from this misery.

(source: u/No_Television5851)
However, Riot Games will likely punish you for dodging a ranked game by deducting your Rank Rating (RR). In the most recent Rank Fact Friday, Valorant's Senior Competitive designer EvrMoar has shared about RR deductions regarding ranked game dodging.
"We also penalize -3 RR every time you dodge a game. This is not called out in the UI anywhere, so you have to be in the know to understand why your RR may have gone down"

The -3 RR won't be showing up on your profile career or anywhere, but you will still notice if you keep an eye on it after dodging a match (-3). Riot will cut off 3 RR from your next game, whether you win or lose.
"F**k this I'll go AFK, you guys keep baiting me"

If you feel like your teammates are "trading" you a lot and you're going to blame them and go AFK, think twice. As AFKing will get an RR penalty too!! According to EvrMoar, the RR penalty starts when you miss 3 rounds at -8 RR; capping at -12 RR for 6 rounds AFK.
Instead of losing, why not pick yourself up and finish the game you started? We all know the pain when you're needing another 8 or 2 points to be promoted to a higher rank. Thus, save yourself by avoiding these unwanted penalties.
