Kodansha Game Creators' Lab recently announced that, as part of the Fairy Tail Indie Game Guild project, they will be releasing two new games, both of which are based on Hiro Mashima's Fairy Tail series. The titles for the two games are Fairy Tail: Dungeons and Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc. The two games will be released on August 26th and September 16th respectively.
The indie game project first began when Hiro Mashima stated that he wanted to have an original Fairy Tail game made. This resulted in numerous Fairy Tail fans around the world to create games based on the popular series. Finally, two Fairy Tail games are now confirmed for release.
The first is Fairy Tail: Dungeons, which is described as a deckbuilding roguelike adventure game. The game will feature 5 playable characters, which include the main cast of the franchise. Defeat the powerful monsters from the dungeon by collecting Magic Cards from the series to build your own specialised deck.
The game's story is described as:
"Natsu and Happy find a mysterious door that suddenly appeared below the guild. On the other side of that door lies a strange dungeon that robs any intruders of their abilities. There they are saved from monsters by Labi. Together they try to reach the deepest part of the dungeon to find Labi's friends."
As for the second game, Fairy Tail: Beach Volleyball Havoc, it is a Beach Volleyball action game where players are able to play alone or with up to 4 players either locally or through Steam Remote Play Together. Use a total of 32 different Fairy Tail characters to play a game of volleyball, though this one is a bit more interesting as they will light up the court with their magic.
Kodansha also revealed that they are currently working on a third game titled Fairy Tail: Birth of Magic. However, there has been no news regarding the game as of yet.
With these two new games set to release, what are your thoughts on it? Will you be getting these games? Let us know in the comments!