It was only two months ago since messaging chat app Telegram launched the group video calls feature, and it can now cater up to 1,000 viewers with its latest improvements. According to the company, the number of participants that can broadcast video from their camera remains at 30 while an additional 970 people can tune in and watch.
Telegram has always planned to increase the number of people that can join a group chat as it expands voice and video calls to support live events. In the latest update, Telegram plans to "keep increasing this limit until all humans on Earth can join one group call".
In addition, video messages will now come with higher resolution and users can expand a video message with just a simple tap. When recording video messages, the audio will keep playing as users record. Users can also zoom in when recording with their phone's rear camera.
Telegram has also announced new features such as screen sharing for one-on-one video calls, an auto-delete messages option after one month, more precise drawing, and new passcode animations.