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Relive Your Childhood in the New Gunbound Closed Beta Test

Remember a certain turn-based shooter from back in the day? Yeah, Gunbound is back with - wait for it - NEW Gunbound! Thankfully, the gameplay seems much more creative than its title, and has properly moved into the 21st century with a mobile release on both Android and iOS.

New Gunbound retains its classic turn-based shooter concept, but is enhanced with snazzy new visuals. The Gacha system is back with avatar costumes, mobile skins, mobile puzzle pieces, and a variety of different items to pray to RNGesus for. There's also a workshop system to craft items, as well as a 'Shooter Pass' - which is basically a season pass but in pewpew lingo.

The Closed Beta Test, which ends today, garnered a welcoming response from fans, who expressed their feedback and wishes for the game. You can test your skills in turn-based PVP or Adventure Mode now - hurry and get it on Google Play or the App Store before CBT ends!

That said, open beta is the logical next step - so have no fear, if you can't make it in time for CBT, there's still that to look forward to.

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