Dying Light 2 Stay Human, like its predecessor, is an open world game with zombies and parkour. And like its predecessor, it has a day/night cycle with notable effects on the gameplay experience.
The latest Dying Light 2 gameplay trailer, Monsters, shines the light on the terrors of the night, with protagonist Aiden Caldwell sneaking through a hospital filled with sleeping zombies to retrieve a biomarker. It’s not just the regular zombies either, as the video also shows Aiden creeping past some nasty-looking specials, including a mean, hulking brute and a couple that seem to puke some sort of green liquid.
After lots of tense moments, the trailer shifts to a desperate dash to the outside of the building towards the end. The awakening zombies add to the tension, but the main reason for Aiden’s escape is owed to his status as an infected, with Aiden needing to get to sunlight before he turns.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human is set to be released on December 7 for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. So far, it’s looking pretty good. #dyinglight2 #trailer