A Japan only Yakuza title made it debuts globally.
Like A Dragon: Ishin was set in late Edo period, the protagonist for this game is a real historical samurai named Sakamoto Ryōma. It follows a similar structure like other Yakuza titles where you fight with a large group of foes in 1860s Kyo, a fictionalized version of Kyoto. Players will be able to meet familiar faces from Yakuza series including Kazuma Kiryu and Majima Goro along with some of Kiryu's other friends into new roles as part of the Feudal Japanese settings.

In Ishin, there will be four combat styles where players can choose to wield the blade to slash through foes in Swordsman style, sharpshoot your opponents with a revolver in Gunman style or wield both sword and gun in Wild Dancer style. Of course you can still use bare fists to smash your enemies with hilarious combat style like stuffing plums into opponents throat to summoning a tiger fight along as presented in the trailer.

There is still much information is unknown about Like A Dragon: Ishin, from exquisite minigame content to unique in-game features that make you immerse into the historically accurate world of Kyo. Like A Dragon: Ishin will be available on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X and S, Xbox One, and PC globally on February 2023.