Bandai Namco Entertainment recently announced that they will be releasing a brand new Dragon Ball Z game, titled Dragon Ball PROJECT: Multi, which is the first ever free-to-play MOBA Dragon Ball game in the franchise!
The game is set to be developed by Ganbarion, who also developed the One Piece World Seeker game. Dragon Ball PROJECT: Multi will be featuring iconic characters such as Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Piccolo, Krillin, Android 18, and Majin Buu while also featuring villains from the series as well.
As like most MOBA games, the objective in the game is to conquer the enemies base with a well-oriented team that comes with tanks, attackers and supporters. The game will also allow players with the chance to customise character skins with outfits, entrances and even a finisher animation.
According to its official website, the game will be made playable on Google Play Store, Apple App Store as well as on PC via Steam. Currently, the game will be announcing its beta test that will begin from August 20 until September 3rd.