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PSG.LGD Role Shuffle: Chalice Moves to Carry, old eLeVen Plays Offlane

PSG.LGD are attempting to salvage a rocky start to the competitive season by shaking up the roles on their current roster. The revised lineup will see Chalice playing carry while old eLeVen moves to the offlane; you can see them in action this weekend at the WeSave! Charity Play online tournament.

With Chalice moved to the carry role and old eLeVen taking his place in the offlane, this means that Li "ASD" Zhiwen is officially out of the roster after an underwhelming one-month stint with the team.

Here is PSG.LGD's current roster lineup after the changes:

  • Pos 1: Yang “Chalice”‘ Shenyi

  • Pos 2: Lu “Somnus/Maybe” Yao

  • Pos 3: Ren “old eLeVeN” Yangwei

  • Pos 4: Xu “fy” Linsen

  • Pos 5: Jian Wei “xNova” Yap


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