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Metal Gear Rising Voice Actor Teases upcoming announcement in the coming weeks

I think it's time for Jack… TO LET 'ER RIP!

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Raiden voice actor Quinton Flynn has recently shared a statement on Twitter. And if history is any guide, we may hear a Metal Gear Rising-related announcement very soon.

Flynn replies to his fans with "Stay tuned for things to be announced in the coming weeks" as fans questioned the Metal Gear titles. Also, in the replies to this, it was noted that the 10th anniversary of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is occurring next month.

Despite Konami's recent efforts with its franchises, including the resurgences of Suikoden, Castlevania, and Silent Hill, a Metal Gear-themed showcase or announcement should be revealed in the nick of time.


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