Garmin Malaysia has launched its new GPS smartwatch, the Forerunner 745. The device weighs 47g and comes with a smaller form factor to fit better on smaller wrists.
The Forerunner 745 features Firstbeat Analytics performance monitoring tools like VO2 max, training load, and aerobic and anaerobic training effects, and offers on-device running and cycling daily workout suggestions.
The device also has advanced dynamics, which allows it to track data like left/right balance when you’re on a bike and details like stroke and pace when swimming. In addition, it has an improved recovery time feature that takes “all-day stress”, sleep, and other factors into consideration.
Aside from that, the Forerunner 745 has a wrist-based Pulse Ox sensor to observe how the wearer sleeps and adjust to altitude acclimation, while a Body Battery energy monitor tracks energy levels. There is also a menstrual cycle tracking feature.
Battery-wise, the Forerunner 745 can last for up to one week in smartwatch mode, up to 16 hours in GPS mode, and up to six hours in GPS mode with music.
The device is compatible with a range of other Garmin products, like the Garmin Connect app (which it automatically uploads activities to), Garmin Coach, and Running Dynamics Pod. It also works with compatible heart-rate monitors and other third-party products like TrainerRoad and TrainingPeaks.
The Forerunner 745 has a suggested retail price of RM2,499 and comes in black, neo tropic, magma red, or whitestone colours.