Earlier this year, FromSoftware discovered that an exploit in the PC version of Dark Souls 3 compromised the security of the game’s servers. This led to the developers shutting down the multiplayer features for the entire trilogy. Over the months they updated fans on the progress of the fix.

After months of PC gamers being unable to access multiplayer in Dark Souls, there is now light at the end of the tunnel as Dark Souls 3’s online has finally returned.
In an announcement by the official Dark Souls Twitter account, they announced that online features for the game have been reactivated and thanked fans for their patience and support.
They also said that Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 2 are still being fixed and will inform fans when the online features are restored.

While fans are hopeful the fixes come soon, FromSoftware might focus more on Elden Ring for the time being instead of games that are over a decade old. I wouldn’t keep my hopes that high if I were you.