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Civilization VI Gets An Android Release

Sid Meier’s Civilization VI has been ported over to Android, almost four years after coming out on PC and almost three after releasing on iOS. On Android, the base version of the 4X game is free to try for 60 turns, after which an upgrade is needed to continue.

Released alongside the base game are the Gathering Storm and Rise and Fall expansions, which can be bought as in-app purchases. Gathering Storm features natural disasters that can bring destruction to your districts or “refresh and enrich the lands” they pass, while Rise and Fall introduces Ages such as the Golden Age and Dark Age with gameplay effects.

According to GamesRadar, upgrading to continue costs US$20 (~RM83.80), while Gathering Storm and Rise and Fall are US$30 (~RM126) and US$40 (~RM168) respectively. There are also scenario packs that range from US$5 (~RM21) to US$9 (~RM38).


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