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SEAGM Now Accepts Cryptocurrency Payments

SEAGM has announced a partnership with TripleA to accept cryptocurrency payments as users are now able to make transactions for top-ups and digital goods using crypto. The new partnership allows the company to cater to both new and existing gamers that own cryptocurrency.

According to the company's website, 1 out of 3 people in the world is a gamer and the gaming industry has seen growth in the cryptocurrency market with over 41.9 million gamers owning crypto. The APAC region has the highest ownership rate of 54% followed by Europe at 14%.

"Crypto payment channels are evolving and there has been a lot of interest from our users around the world. The developments of late with an eye to making cryptocurrencies even more widely used. SEAGM is excited to offer crypto payment methods in partnership with TripleA, a Monetary Authority of Singapore licensed payment institution, for SEAGM users.’ said Tommy Chieng, CEO of SEA Gamer Mall.


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