During the recent Unleashed event, Apple has introduced the revamped MacBook Pro powered by the all-new M1 Pro and M1 Max chips. The M1 Pro features a powerful up-to-10-core CPU with 8 high-performance cores and 2 high-efficiency cores, along with an up-to-16-core GPU. It can deliver up to 200 GB/s of memory bandwidth and supports up to 32 GB of memory. It is said to be able to deliver up to 70% faster CPU performance and up to 2 times faster GPU performance.
On the other hand, the M1 Max has the same CPU as the M1 Pro but doubles the GPU with up to 32 cores for up to 4 times faster GPU performance than the M1 chip. It has up to 400 GB/s of memory bandwidth and up to 64 GB of memory.
Available in 14 and 16", the MacBook Pro comes with a Liquid Retina XDR display, which offers up to 1000 nits of brightness and 1600 nits of peak brightness. It has an adaptive refresh rate of up to 120 Hz.
Both models are equipped with three Thunderbolt 4 ports, an SDXC card slot, an HDMI port, and a headphone jack. For charging, it supports the MagSafe 3 fast charging technology, which can charge up to 50% in just 30 minutes. It also has Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0.
Other features include a 1080 p FaceTime HD camera, a six-speaker system, and Dolby Atmos. It comes with the latest macOS Monterey.
The MacBook Pro also offers new features - the Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro - for creative professionals to play seven streams of 8K ProRes or colour grade 8K HDR videos. Final Cut Pro comes with new features that allow users to create tracked motion graphics and edit cinematic mode videos recorded on the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro. The new Object Tracker lets editors quickly and easily create animated graphics that follow the movement of faces or objects in a video. Final Cut Pro's companion apps, Motion and Compressor, also receive updates with abilities to render up to two times faster and play two 8K videos at 5 times faster frame rate, as well as transcode HEVC videos up to two times faster and ProRes videos up to 10 times faster. Final Cut Pro 10.6 is a free update for existing users and is priced at RM1,299.90 for new users. Meanwhile, Motion 5.6 and Compressor 4.6 are also free for existing users and cost RM199.90 each for new users.
Logic Pro now comes with a complete set of mixing and rendering tools for users to author their songs as Dolby Atmos music files compatible with Apple Music. When the songs are published to Apple Music, listeners will be able to enjoy an immersive audio experience with spatial audio support. The Logic Pro 10.7 is available as a free update for existing users and is priced at RM799.90 for new users.
The new 14" MacBook Pro will start at RM8,799 and RM8,199 for education while the 16" model will start at RM10,799 and RM9,999 for education. They will be available for order on apple.com/my/store soon. Furthermore, macOs Monterey will be available as a free update on 25 October.